The story begins in 1963...

Back then, a young, beautiful, and ambitious woman, my grandmother Milka, had completed a cosmetics course and had started creating face balms. The excitement of her friends always filled her with great joy, and success followed her throughout her life. 

Years later, another kindhearted and compassionate woman, my mother Rada, continued my grandmother’s legacy. Just as my grandmother passed her work on to my mother, so did all impressed women pass these special face balms down to their daughters.

Today, it is my turn to continue what these two incredible women have started. The balms MILOTKA, as my mother called me as a child, were created as a tribute to their memory. 


I’m MILOTKA and I invite you to the world of beauty and youth, brilliance and perfection. Take care of yourself, while I take care of your peace and well-being.

 Embark on an unforgettable journey, filled with memories and dreams come true!


Based on a traditional family recipe, we created a natural combination of geranium, lavender, and olive oils, cocoa butter, chamomile floral water, honey, beeswax, and vitamin E. Regenerates, hydrates, and protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.


Our Intensive Face Beauty Balm contains a natural combination of sea buckthorn, geranium, lavender, and olive oils, cocoa butter, chamomile floral water, honey, beeswax, and vitamin E. Regenerates, hydrates, and protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.